Sigma - Getting Started Guide

Getting a login account on Sigma

Everyone who is a member of a project that has been granted computing time on Sigma may apply for a login account. See the Getting Access page for more information.

Getting started on Sigma

See the instructions on getting started for information on how to login for the first time.

Sigma has one login node: Thinlinc is available (connect to

When you use SSH to connect to Sigma for the first time you will usually be asked by your SSH client if the key fingerprint is correct.

An SSH key fingerprint is a way for you to verify that the computer you are connecting to is really the one you expected, and not a compromised system trying to steal your credentials. We publish the correct key fingerprints here so you can visually check to make sure you are actually connecting to Sigma1.

SHA256:xH1Cdn7XknkZmALFiVviFn+fuLYUTjvYYetMDHsUSWk (RSA)
SHA256:n/qC19CJCQINPYrAMjw1Z35YpdnWUQt3/5oUVTjlNWc (ECDSA)
SHA256:QPHiQqJNsgfhZ7LtZWZ5bhtRRs1weuOzyPqp2PvIhAE (ED25519)

Using Sigma

Hardware specifications

Accessing the cluster and running jobs

Using the GPU equipped nodes

File systems

  1. if you want even more assurance that you're not beeing fooled, you're always welcome to contact us via some other channel (e.g email to NSC Support or even visiting us in person to verify the fingerprints.

User Area

User support

Guides, documentation and FAQ.

Getting access

Applying for projects and login accounts.

System status

Everything OK!

No reported problems


NSC Express