System status
Everything OK!
No reported problems
Please note: this is a manually updated message.
We will try to update this message when we have major user-visible
problems on any of our systems. We also provide information via email
to all users of affected systems (via the mailing lists).
If something is not working, please don’t hesitate to
contact us even if this message says that everything is
working! Sometimes we forget to update this page when we’re busy
investigating a major problem…
Times and dates are in local time (CET/CEST) unless stated otherwise.
Future planned maintenance
- 2024-12-10 from 10:00 CET: Berzelius login nodes will undergo planned maintenance, one at a time. See this email for details.
Recently resolved problems and planned maintenance
- 2024-12-04T08:00 to 13:00 CET: Tetralith unavailable due to planned software upgrade. See this email for details.
- 2024-11-05T08:00 CET Sigma will be undergoing planned maintenance and will not be accessible. See this email for more information.
- 2024-10-13T10:53 to 2024-10-14T12:24 CEST - A problem with the Omni-Path network in Tetralith and Sigma caused various problems. All running jobs failed.
- 2024-10-01T14:00 to 15:30 CEST - Freja planned downtime for OS updates and file system retirement. See email with more information.
- 2024-09-24T16:43 to 18:16 CEST - Tetralith login node problems, logins unavailable.
- 2024-09-10T13:00 to 18:00 CEST - Berzelius system server will undergo planned maintenance. See this email for more information.
- 2024-08-28T07:00 CEST - Reboot of the Tetralith login node tetralith1. Logged-in users will be logged out, but you can reconnect and use the other login node. Estimated downtime: up to 1h. Running and queued jobs not affected.
- 2024-08-29T07:00 CEST - Reboot of the Tetralith login node tetralith2. Logged-in users will be logged out, but you can reconnect and use the other login node. Estimated downtime: up to 1h. Running and queued jobs not affected.
- 2024-08-30T07:00 CEST - Reboot of the Sigma login node. Logged-in users will be logged out. You can not access Sigma during the downtime. Estimated downtime: up to 30 minutes. Running and queued jobs not affected.
Queue system status
An overview of the overall system load is available on the status page.
Graphical representations of the current queue on some of our systems: