Applying for a new compute project

To be able to run on NSC resources, you need to be a member of a project. The information on this page is about applying for new projects. If the project already exists, see our page about becoming a member of a project.


Starting 2023-01-01, NAISS takes over the role previously held by SNIC. You can read more about this at the NAISS website.

You can apply for NAISS projects, see the NAISS website for more information.

Existing SNIC projects will continue until their end date.

NAISS Large, Medium and Small compute projects

As SNIC no longer exists, it is no longer possible to apply for new SNIC compute or storage projects. NAISS projects are very similar to how SNIC projects were. Information from the SNIC website will be used below until corresponding information is available on the NAISS website

Researchers linked to any Swedish academic institution may apply for time on NSC resources. Currently, NSC accept three sizes of NAISS proposals, the same as previously defined by SNIC, the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing for HPC resources: Large, Medium and Small.

The three different sizes of NAISS projects are:

Large: Applications are handled twice a year (calls in April and October) by NAC, the National Allocation Committee for HPC resources in Sweden. Approved projects will start on July 1st or January 1st, respectively, and run for 6 or 12 months. Read the SNIC information about large projects.

Medium: Applications are accepted at all times and are handled monthly. Approved projects will run for up to 12 months. Read the SNIC information about medium projects.

Small: Applications are accepted at all times and are handled continuously. Approved projects will run for up to 12 months, with a maximum allocation of 10 000 core-hours/month. Read the SNIC information about small projects.

All NAISS projects are applied for in SUPR. You need to register yourself there (or login if you are already registered) and then select the appropriate round (for example "NAISS Medium Compute 2023" or "NAISS Small Compute 2023") before using the "Create New Proposal for ..." button to start filling in the project proposal. You can designate a proxy to help you out (see below).

You will get email from SUPR when the project has been approved (or denied). The principal investigator and the co-investigators listed in the proposal will automatically become members of the project. Please see our instructions on how additional persons can become members of the project.

The maximum duration for large, medium and small compute projects is one year and they cannot be extended. A new application in SUPR is necessary. Note that SUPR allows you to clone your latest proposal when you start filling in the new one.

NAISS explicitly requests the acknowledgement of NAISS in scientific publications that required the use of NAISS resources, services or expertise. Papers, presentations and other publications that feature work that relied on NAISS should include an acknowledgement. Please, see the NAISS web site page for how.

The official SNIC information (rules etc) can be found on the SNIC web site and can be used as a guide until corresponding rules are published by NAISS.

LiU Local compute projects

Local researchers at Linköping university can apply for projects on dedicated LiU resources.

LiU local projects are applied for in SUPR. You need to register yourself there (or login if you are already registered) and then select the appropriate round (for example "LiU Local Compute 2021") before using the "Create New Proposal for ..." button to start filling in the project proposal. You can designate a proxy to help you out (see below).

You will get email from SUPR when the project has been approved (or denied). The principal investigator and the co-investigators listed in the proposal will automatically become members of the project. Please see our instructions on how additional persons can become members of the project.

LiU Local projects can be extended in time by sending an email to .

A common factor to evaluate scientific work is the number of published research articles. The number of published research articles that depended on LiU local compute resources provided by NSC is in the same way a factor to show the importance of NSC. NSC therefore requests the acknowledgment of NSC in scientific publications that required the use of LiU local compute resources, services or expertise at NSC. Use of LiU local NSC resources should be acknowledged as follows:

"The computations/data handling/[SIMILAR] were/was enabled by resources provided by the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC), funded by Linköping University."

If applicable, also add an acknowledgement for application support:

"[NAME] at the National Supercomputer Centre is acknowledged for assistance concerning technical and implementational aspects [OR SIMILAR] in making the code run on the [OR SIMILAR] Sigma resource."


"We thank [NAME] at NSC for [his/her] assistance with [describe tasks such as porting, optimization, etc.], which was made possible through application support provided by National Supercomputer Centre at Linköping University."

Proxy for the Principal Investigator (PI)

You might want somebody else to help you manage your project proposal or project in SUPR. As all user logins are personal, you are not allowed to share your login.

Instead, you have the possibility to register one of your co-investigator in a project proposal as your proxy. That person will then be able to do all the things you can do, except for designating another proxy, and will also become the proxy in the project, if the proposal is approved. Likewise, if you already have a project, you can designate one of the project members as your proxy for the project.

Note that you as principal investigator have to login to SUPR to create the proposal in the correct round before you designate your proxy.

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