
NSC house most of NSC's computing and storage resources in two data centers: Kärnhuset and Hangaren. Both data centers are connected to 10 kV power distribution and district cooling.


Kärnhuset was build in 2013. It currently houses a computer room capable of supporting 1 MW of IT equipment. In Kärnhuset there is plenty of room for expansion whenever needed.


Hangaren was build in 2009. It has a traditional design with a 230 m2 installation floor. It was initially configured for 500 kW air cooling but in 2009 an additional water circuit of 500 kW was added for water cooled systems.

District Cooling

District cooling are produced by Tekniska Verken.

During winter the cold water is produced by outdoor cooling towers. During summer, absorption chillers are using the thermal energy from district heating to generate the cold water.

User Area

User support

Guides, documentation and FAQ.

Getting access

Applying for projects and login accounts.

System status

Everything OK!

No reported problems


NSC Express