Soon-Heum "Jeff" Ko

A Computational Scientist, National Supercomputing Center in Sweden

I am a computational scientist at the National Supercomputing Center in Sweden. I joined at NSC on March 2011 as an expert on application code parallelization/optimization. Currently I am participating in two project, one which is SNIC-funded code parallelization service and the other which is the EU project for the high performance computing infrastructure/service. The parallelization project is a joint work with Dr. L. Davidson from Charmers University. We NSC service the parallelization on his CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code formulated for LES (Large Eddy Simulation). The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) aims to form the top level European HPC ecosystem. As a PRACE application expert, I am taking the role of performing synthetic benchmark analyses on Curie Tier-0 system. I am also involved in the code optimization for the tera-scale applications.

Prior to joining NSC, I served as a post-doctoral researcher at the Center for Computation and Technology in Louisiana State University, USA. I stayed in USA from Dec. 2008 to Jan. 2011. I worked on an incompressible CFD code implementation on a scientific frameworks called CACTUS, and the hybrid CFD-MD simulation with scheduling of distinct-yet-coupled applications.

I got my Ph.D. at Seoul National University in 2008. I majored in CFD. My applications range from the aerodynamic-dynamic coupled analysis on the multi-stage launch vehicle to some computational works of scientific toolkit development, load-balancing for Grid computing, and design of e-Science research system.

Address: National Supercomputing Center; Room 181, House G; Linkoping University; SE-581 83 Linkoping, Sweden Phone: +46 (0)13 82 25 11