Leif Nixon's work-related-stuff-page

Contact information

Office phone: +46 13 28 26 54 (located in timezone CET)
Office location: NSC, House G, Linköping University

However, the most efficient way to reach me is by e-mail: nixon@nsc.liu.se.

If you need to contact me in a secure fashion, my PGP key is here. Its fingerprint is:

pub  1024D/A39F7B3A 2002-02-21 Leif Nixon <nixon@nsc.liu.se>
     Key fingerprint = 48F7 7D3C 133E 4940 CC3B  A9FB 11B6 7DF4 A39F 7B3A
uid                            Leif Nixon <nixon@lysator.liu.se>
uid                            Leif Nixon <nixon@softlab.se>
uid                            Leif Nixon <nixon@softlab.ericsson.se>
sub  1024g/3C68DBDC 2002-02-21

Security stuff

Keynote presentation given at the Cluster Security workshop at CCGrid 2006, about the Stakkato intrusions (also known as "the Teragrid Incident" or "FBI Case 216").

My story about discovering an early botnet.

Some interesting findings on the Great Firewall of China.

Grid stuff

Slides from my talk "What is this thing called the grid?".

Soapbox stuff

Blog (in Swedish).