HPF seminarium

Onsdagen den 14 maj arrangerar NSC ett HPF seminarium.
Lokal:  BDL 6 Hus B Vallaområdet Linköping

Tid:    14/5 9.15-16.30

Seminariet håller Vince Schuster från Portland Group, ett företag som
implementerat HPF på ett antal olika platformar däribland CRAY T3E.

Övningar kommer att genomföras på lokala arbetsstationer eller CRAY T3E
beroende på om vi hinner få en CRAY version installerad.

Anmälan till undertecknad eller Pontus Matstoms.

Nedan följer ett premliminärt program.



High Performance Fortran Class (HPF)

Tutorial session

Part 1 (Beginning Concepts - 1 1/2 Hours)

- Explanation of some of the most commonly used HPF language features - Use of the PGHPF compiler. Documentation, switches, compilation process, features, performance results. - Usage of the PGPROF postmortem profiler

Part 2 (More advanced concepts - 1 1/2 hour)

- Advanced performance-oriented features of the HPF language features Extrinsics, Intrinsics, Libraries - Extracting more performance from PGHPF - code examples. - More advanced use of the PGPROF postmortem profiler - HPF 2.0 Extensions that go beyond regular data-parallelism


Exercise and Demonstration session (hands-on exercises)

Part 3: (Beginning Exercises - 5 exercises - 2 hours)

- Exercises covering most commonly used HPF features. Loops and subroutine calls - Examples for using PGPROF to determine performance characteristics

Part 4: (Advanced Exercises - Advanced Performance Techniques - 2 hours)

- Use of Interprocedural Analysis - Extrinsic and HPF Library usage. - Exercises covering advanced features of HPF as well as exercises focusing on extracting more performance."
Mats S Andersson Technical Manager National Supercomputer Centre Phone: +46 13 28 25 68 Linkoping University Fax: +46 13 28 25 35 SE-581 83 Linkoping E-mail: msa@nsc.liu.se Sweden
Anmäl deltagande till msa@nsc.liu.se