Accuracy and Reliability in Scientific Computing

Software, Environments, and Tools series, Volume SE-18.
SIAM Press, Philadelphia 2005. Editor: Bo Einarsson, Linköping.

July 2005 / xxiii + 338 pages / Softcover / ISBN 0-89871-584-9
List price $64.00 / SIAM Member Price $44.80 / Order Code SE18



	List of Contributors					xiii
	List of Figures						xv
	List of Tables						xix
	Preface							xxi
	Acknowledgment						xxiii

1	What Can Go Wrong in Scientific Computing? 		  3
	(Bo Einarsson)
1.1	Introduction  						  3
1.2	Basic Problems in Numerical Computation 		  3
1.2.1	Rounding  						  4
1.2.2	Cancellation  						  4
1.2.3	Recursion 						  5
1.2.4	Integer overflow  					  6
1.3	Floating point Arithmetic				  6  
1.3.1	Initial work on an arithmetic standard 			  6
1.3.2	IEEE floating-point representation	 		  7
1.3.3	Future standards 					  9	
1.4	What Really Went Wrong in Applied Scientific Computing!	  9
1.4.1	Floating-point precision				  9 	 
1.4.2	Illegal conversion between data types  			 11
1.4.3	Illegal data 						 11
1.4.4	Inaccurate finite element analysis			 11
1.4.5	Incomplete analysis					 12
1.5	Conclusion  						 12
2	Assessment of Accuracy and Reliability			 13 
	(Ronald F. Boisvert, Ronald Cools, Bo Einarsson)
2.1	Models of Scientific Computing 			 	 13
2.2	Verification and Validation   				 15
2.3	Errors in Software  					 17
2.4	Precision, Accuracy, and Reliability  			 20
2.5	Numerical Pitfalls Leading to Anomalous Program Behavior 22
2.6	Methods of Verification and Validation   		 23
2.6.1   Code verification   					 24
2.6.2   Sources of test problems for numerical software  	 26
2.6.3   Solution verification  					 28
2.6.4   Validation   						 31

3	Approximating Integrals, Estimating Errors, and Giving 
        the Wrong Solution for a Deceptively Easy Problem	 33 
	(Ronald Cools)
3.1	Introduction  						 33
3.2	The Given Problem	 			 	 34
3.3	The First Correct Answer	   		 	 34
3.4	View Behind the Curtain 			 	 36
3.5	A More Convenient Solution	 			 36
3.6	Estimating Errors: Phase 1	 			 38
3.7	Estimating Errors: Phase 2	 		 	 40
3.8	The More Convenient Solution Revisited  		 40
3.9	Epilogue  						 41

4	An Introduction to the Quality of Computed Solutions	 43 
	(Sven Hammarling)
4.1	Introduction  						 43
4.2	Floating-point Numbers and IEEE Arithmetic	  	 44
4.3	Why Worry About Computed Solutions?	 		 46
4.4	Condition, Stability, and Error Analysis  		 50
4.4.1	Condition  						 50
4.4.2	Stability 						 56
4.4.3	Error analysis	 					 60
4.5	Floating-point Error Analysis	   			 64
4.6	Posing the Mathematical Problem 			 70
4.7	Error Bounds and Software	  			 71
4.8	Other Approaches	   	 			 74
4.9	Summary  						 75

5	Qualitative Computing					 77 
	(Françoise Chaitin-Chatelin, Elisabeth Traviesas-Cassan)
5.1	Introduction  						 77
5.2	Numbers as Building Blocks for Computation	 	 77
5.2.1	Thinking the unthinkable	 			 78
5.2.2	Breaking the rule 					 78
5.2.3	Hypercomputation inductively defined by multiplication 	 78
5.2.4	The Newcomb-Borel paradox	 			 79
5.2.5	Effective calculability	 				 80
5.3	Exact Versus Inexact Computing 				 81
5.3.1	What is calculation?  					 81
5.3.2	Exact and inexact computing  				 82
5.3.3	Computer arithmetic 					 82	
5.3.4	Singularities in exact and inexact computing  		 83
5.3.5	Homotopic deviation  					 83
5.3.6	The map   						 86
5.3.7	Graphical illustration  				 87
5.4	Numerical Software  					 88
5.4.1	Local error analysis in finite precision computations  	 88
5.4.2	Homotopic deviation versus normwise perturbation  	 89
5.4.3	Application to Krylov-type methods  			 90
5.5 	The Lévy Law of Large Numbers for Computation 		 91
5.6 	Summary 						 92


6	PRECISE and the Quality of Reliable Numerical Software	 95
	(Françoise Chaitin-Chatelin, Elisabeth Traviesas-Cassan)			
6.1 	Introduction  						 95		
6.2 	Reliability of Algorithms  				 96
6.3 	Backward Error Analysis  				 96
6.3.1 	Consequence of limited accuracy of data  		 98
6.3.2 	Quality of reliable software 				 98
6.4 	Finite Precision Computations at a Glance  	 	 99
6.5 	What Is PRECISE?  					 99
6.5.1 	Perturbation values  					101
6.5.2 	Perturbation types  					102
6.5.3 	Data metrics						103
6.5.4 	Data to be perturbed 					103
6.5.5 	Choosing a perturbation model 				103
6.6 	Implementation Issues 					105
6.7 	Industrial Use of PRECISE 				107
6.8 	PRECISE in Academic Research 				108
6.9 	Conclusion 						108

7	Tools for the Verification of Approximate Solutions 
	to Differential	Equations				109
	(Wayne H. Enright)				
7.1 	Introduction  						109		
7.1.1 	Motivation and overview  				109
7.2 	Characteristics of a PSE 				110
7.3 	Verification Tools for Use with an ODE Solver   	111
7.4 	Two Examples of Use of These Tools   			112
7.5 	Discussion and Future Extensions   			119


8	General Methods for Implementing Reliable and 
	Correct Software					125 
	(Bo Einarsson)

8.1 	Ada 							127 
	(Brian Wichmann, Kenneth W Dritz)
8.1.1	Introduction and language features	  		127
8.1.2	The libraries 						128
8.1.3	The Numerics Annex 					130
8.1.4	Other issues   						132
8.1.5	Conclusions   						135

8.2 	C 							136 
	(Craig C. Douglas, Hans Petter Langtangen)
8.2.1	Introduction  						136
8.2.2	Language features 					136
8.2.3	Standardized preprocessor, error handling, 
	and debugging 						138
8.2.4	Numerical oddities and math libraries   		139
8.2.5	Calling Fortran libraries	  			140
8.2.6	Array layouts  						140
8.2.7	Dynamic data and pointers   				141
8.2.8	Data structures 	 				141
8.2.9	Performance issues 					142 

8.3 	C++ 							142 
	(Craig C. Douglas, Hans Petter Langtangen)
8.3.1	Introduction 						142
8.3.2	Basic language features	  				143
8.3.3	Special features	  				145
8.3.4	Error handling and debugging   				146
8.3.5	Math libraries	  					147
8.3.6	Array layouts   					147
8.3.7	Dynamic data	  					147
8.3.8	User-defined data structures  				147
8.3.9	Programming styles	  				148
8.3.10	Performance issues    					148

8.4	Fortran  						149 
	(Van Snyder)
8.4.1   Introduction						149
8.4.2 	History of Fortran					149
8.4.3 	Major features of Fortran 95				149
8.4.4 	Features of Fortran 2003				151
8.4.5 	Beyond Fortran 2003					153
8.4.6 	Conclusion						153

8.5 	Java							153
	(Ronald F. Boisvert, Roldan Pozo)
8.5.1	Introduction 					 	153
8.5.2	Language features	  				154
8.5.3 	Portability in the Java environment  			155
8.5.4 	Performance challenges 					156
8.5.5 	Performance results 					158
8.5.6 	Other difficulties encountered. in scientific 	
	programming in Java 					160
8.5.7 	Summary 						162

8.6 	Python							162
	(Craig C. Douglas, Hans Petter Langtangen)	
8.6.1 	Introduction  						162
8.6.2 	Basic language features  				163
8.6.3 	Special features 					166
8.6.4 	Error handling and debugging  				167
8.6.5 	Math libraries 						167
8.6.6 	Array layouts 						168
8.6.7 	Dynamic data 						169
8.6.8 	User-defined data structures				169
8.6.9 	Programming styles 					170
8.6.10 	Performance issues					170

9	The Use and Implementation of Interval Data Types	173
	(G. William Walster)
9.1 	Introduction 						173
9.2 	Intervals and Interval Arithmetic  			173
9.2.1 	Intervals 						174
9.2.2 	Interval arithmetic					174
9.3 	Interval Arithmetic Utility 				175
9.3.1 	Fallible measures 					175
9.3.2	Enter interval arithmetic 				176
9.4 	The Path to Intrinsic Compiler Support			177
9.4.1   Interval-specific operators and intrinsic functions 	179
9.4.2 	Quality of Implementation opportunities 		184
9.5 	Fortran Code Example 					191
9.6 	Fortran Standard Implications 				193
9.6.1 	The interval-specific alternative 			193
9.6.2 	The enriched module alternative 			194
9.7 	Conclusions 						194

10	Computer-assisted Proofs and Self-validating Methods	195
	(Siegfried M. Rump)	
10.1 	Introduction  						195
10.2 	Proofs and Computers  					195
10.3 	Arithmetical Issues 					200
10.4 	Computer Algebra Versus Self validating Methods 	203
10.5 	Interval Arithmetic 					204
10.6 	Directed Roundings 					206
10.7 	A Common Misconception About Interval Arithmetic 	209 
10.8   	Self-validating Methods and INTLAB    			215
10.9 	Implementation of Interval Arithmetic   		220
10.10 	Performance and Accuracy   				228
10.11 	Uncertain Parameters    				230
10.12 	Conclusion    						239

11	Hardware-assisted Algorithms				241
	(Craig C. Douglas, Hans Petter Langtangen)				
11.1 	Introduction   						241
11.2 	A Teaser   						242
11.3 	Processor and Memory Subsystem Organization   		243
11.4 	Cache Conflicts and Trashing  	 			245
11.5 	Prefetching 	 					245
11.6 	Pipelining and Loop Unrolling  	 			246
11.7 	Padding and Data Reorganization  	 		247
11.8 	Loop Fusion  	 					248
11.9 	Bitwise Compatibility    				249
11.10 	Useful Tools     					250

12	Issues in Accurate and Reliable Use of Parallel 
	Computing in Numerical Programs                         253
	(William D. Gropp)				
12.1 	Introduction  						253
12.2 	Special Features of Parallel Computers    		253
12.2.1 	The major programming models      			254
12.2.2 	Overview 	 					254
12.3 	Impact on the Choice of Algorithm   			255
12.3.1 	Consequences of latency 	 			255
12.3.2 	Consequences of blocking	 			257
12.4 	Implementation Issues 	 				258
12.4.1 	Races 	 						258
12.4.2 	Out-of-order execution 	 				259
12.4.3 	Message buffering 	 				260
12.4.4 	Nonblocking and asynchronous operations	 		261
12.4.5 	Hardware errors 	 				262
12.4.6 	Heterogeneous parallel systems 				262
12.5 	Conclusions and Recommendations 		 	262

13	Software-reliability Engineering of Numerical Systems	265
	(Mladen A. Vouk)				
13.1 	Introduction    					265
13.2 	About SRE   						266
13.3 	Basic Terms  	 					267
13.4 	Metrics and Models  		 			269
13.4.1 	Reliability  	 					269
13.4.2 	Availability 	 					274
13.5	General Practice 					277
13.5.1 	Verification and validation  				277
13.5.2 	Operational profile  					279
13.5.3 	Testing 						280
13.5.4 	Software process control  				284
13.6	Numerical Software 					284
13.6.1 	Acceptance testing 					285
13.6.2 	External consistency checking				286
13.6.3 	Automatic verification of numerical precision 	
	(error propagation control)  				287
13.6.4 	Redundancy-based techniques 				289
13.7	Basic Fault-tolerance Techniques 			294
13.7.1 	Check-pointing and exception handling  			294
13.7.2 	Recovery through redundancy  				295
13.7.3 	Advanced techniques  					297
13.7.4 	Reliability and performance  				298
13.8	Summary   						298

	Bibliography						301
	Index							335

Last modified: August 15, 2005