Data analysis and polymer simulation related to Optical DNA Mapping
Title: Data analysis and polymer simulation related to Optical DNA Mapping
DNr: NAISS 2023/22-775
Project Type: NAISS Small Compute
Principal Investigator: Dibyajyoti Mohanta <>
Affiliation: Lunds universitet
Duration: 2023-08-14 – 2024-09-01
Classification: 10304


Optical DNA Mapping involves identification of sequence specific patterns in long molecule like DNA. The DNA samples that are extracted from patients are classified based on various structural changes. This project which has a direct application in health systems often involve data analysis of large number of DNA images. Also, this experimental DNA molecules are compared with good theoretical DNA molecules for better classification of their origin. The modelling of theoretical DNA barcode also involves simulation of long molecules (KBp) in nano channel , various image calibration procedure, studying dynamics of molecules, etc. This procedures need HPC clusters to run the simulations and collecting efficient data.