Large-scale Simulations in Complex Flows
Title: Large-scale Simulations in Complex Flows
DNr: NAISS 2023/1-19
Project Type: NAISS Large Compute
Principal Investigator: Outi Tammisola <>
Affiliation: Kungliga Tekniska högskolan
Duration: 2023-07-01 – 2024-07-01
Classification: 20306 10105


In this proposal we list 25 research projects that rely on HPC resources, grouped in five focal areas to enable a quick overview. Many researchers participate in and contribute to more than one area. We actively promote collaboration within our large user group to facilitate HPC support, sharing of simulation methods and codes, and user experience. 1. Complex fluids: Simulations of non-Newtonian fluids and flows with a microstructure (particles, fibers, bubbles, droplets in laminar and turbulent regimes). 2. Flow at interfaces: Simulations of flows over porous, elastic, poro-elastic and micro-structured interfaces. 3. Bio-physical flows: Simulations of flows in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and cell in artificial devices. 4. Multiphase and free-surface flows with phase change: multiphase flows with phase change, absorption/desorption, buoyancy-induced convection to study bubble/droplet spreading, breakup during evaporation and boiling process. 5. Unsteady flows for clean vehicles: Simulations of compressible flows, with heat- and mass-transfer associated with energy conversion and propulsion systems, to reduce pollutants and noise and improve efficiency.