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Welcome to the fifth annual workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing and the Nordic Grid Neighbourhood workshop.

These events are arranged as a collaboration between Norwegian High Performance Computing Consortium (NOTUR) and National Supercomputer Centre in Sweden (NSC).

LCSC Keynote: Jack Dongarra, University Distinguished Professor at the University of Tennessee & Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Programme Overview

October 18 Monday morning Tutorials
Monday SUNET & NorduGrid Security meeting
Monday - Tuesday Fifth annual workshop on
Linux Clusters for Super Computing
Monday - Tuesday Vendor Track
Monday - Tuesday Exhibition
Monday - Tuesday Nordugrid Core Group Technical Meeting
Monday evening Dinner at Hotel Ekoxen
October 19 Tuesday evening Lysator Evening Seminar
October 20 Wednesday First workshop on
Nordic Grid Neighbourhood
October 21 Thursday Swegrid/Norgrid meeting

Niclas Andersson